Tag: Pakeha

Treaty of Waitangi Pre 1840

In this writing i talk about pre 1840

Pre 1840 

        Why was the Treaty Made


The people wanted a treaty for trading the Pakeha would give nails,blankets,Muskets and bibles while the Maori gave Flax,seals,whales,trees,food and land.


Maori wanted the muskets because they wanted to be the strongest tribe in the war. Maori would also receive bibles because knowledge was power and many maori were interested in Christianity. Nails and blankets were popular to trade .


Pakeha would get such things as whales where all parts of the creature which would be used for clothes, umbrellas and perfume. Seals Could also make Different things because they were easy to kill. Other things that the Maori would give pakeha were flax,trees, food and land.