Tag: Edmund Hillary

What is Engineering?

We have an opportunity at the local high school to work with Year 9 and 10 students to complete a range of STEAM projects with a focus on Engineering.

As a class, we checked out Careers NZ with a focus on Engineering we then picked 5 career options and had to investigate them further. My questions were:

What does an engineer do?

How much did they make?

What do I need to know? or do to be an engineer?

Where can I study to be an engineer?

This is the beginning of my project.

What would you like to know about engineering?

School Values

Kia Ora

we have been checking out a range of ways to present information. I love word clouds and was curious to find one where students could add ideas in real-time and the cloud is being made. Our focus was sharing what we thought the school values meant to us. I then took a screenshot of each one and here they are.


Then we applied this information and made a mosaic here is an example created by Samsalvation: